Sabbath School
And how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
Welcome to Sabbath School!
All Sabbath School classes meet at 9:30. We have classes for all ages. Each class is geared specifically for him or her and include Christ-centered singing, prayer, Bible lessons and activities through the leadership of our dedicated teachers.
Children's Sabbath School

Children's Sabbath School Classes
Cradle Roll Kindergarten
Ages 0 - 3 Ages 4 - 6
Primary Juniors
Ages 7 - 9 Ages 10 - 14
Ages 15 - 18
Adult Sabbath School

Adult Sabbath School Classes
Sanctuary Class - Studying the Sabbath School Quarterly
Fellowship Hall Class - Studying the book "The Path to the Throne of God"
Sabbath School Resources
Sabbath School & Personal Ministries